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“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The PSHCE Curriculum aims to develop pupils’ understanding of the world around them. It encourages pupils to consider the importance of forming positive relationships in order to support their own health and well-being for adult life. We provide our pupils with opportunities to learn about their rights, responsibilities, and what it means to be a member of a growing diverse society.

PSHCE is central to all aspects of pupils’ learning at Finch Woods Academy, both in the classroom and beyond. As part of our PSHCE curriculum, we also deliver the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum.  As a subject, we aim to encourage high aspirations so as to maximise progress and enable all pupils to experience the joy of success. Our aims for PSHCE reflect the PSHCE Association syllabus which is to equip pupils to live healthy, safe productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives through core themes of health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.


Through the PSHCE curriculum we aim to:

  • Develop pupils’ understanding of the world around them;
  • Develop pupils’ knowledge of personal, social, health, and emotional matters, and the concept of citizenship;
  • Provide pupils with a relevant, age appropriate and broad curriculum;
  • Help pupils to understand issues relating to their own health, personal care, sexual development and relationships;
  • Enable pupils to make positive life choices;
  • Provide students with strategies to maintain personal wellbeing, promote resilience and equip students with skills to keep themselves and others safe;
  • Promote an atmosphere celebrating equality and diversity;
  • Enable learners to form appropriate relationships and give them a sense of dignity and respect for each other;
  • Develop personal responsibility, self-confidence and assertiveness;
  • Empower learners so they have more control over their own life;
  • Enhance pupils’ self-esteem.
  • Develop pupils’ understanding of the British Values


Our PSHE curriculum inspires and guides pupils to achieve success in the wider world. We prepare pupils for adult life by developing their confidence, sense of responsibility and resilience when faced with challenges. Our pupils leave with an understanding of the importance of relationships, British Values, health and well-being, and the impact this has on their everyday lives.


At Finch Woods Academy, we provide opportunities for pupils to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore complex and sometimes conflicting values and beliefs so that they are equipped with strategies to navigate the world that they live in.

Key Stage 2 Curriculum

Click HERE to see our plan.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Click HERE to see our plan.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Click HERE to see our plan.