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At Finch Woods Academy, Careers is a vital part of the school curriculum. It gives pupils hope and ambition and provides them with the knowledge to succeed in their future.

The aim of our Careers programme is for all pupils to access as many realistic and engaging opportunities as possible during their time at the school which will allow them to realise their true potential.  

Our Careers Leader in school is Mr P Johnson. If you have any queries about careers or progression please contact him at pjohnson@finchwoodsacademy.net or Mr S Jones  at sjones@finchwoodsacademy.net

Click HERE to read our Strategy. 

At Finch Woods Academy we also gather information from our pupils to measure how effective our careers program is,  please see an example of the pupil Future Skills Questionnaire.

Finch Woods Academy is part of the Liverpool Careers Hub and is committed to working towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.

We are using the Gatsby Benchmarks  to assess, review and develop our Careers Education programme. Please click here: latest results to read our Gatsby Compass Evaluation Report. 

We collaborate with Career Connect to support our CEIAG programme. Career Connect is a charity whose mission is to drive social mobility by enabling more people to access and succeed in education, training and employment. Career Connect hold the matrix standard and are passionate about providing high quality independent careers advice, bridging the gap to learning and employment and better life changes for young people and adults.  

We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme on pupils in a number of ways which include:

  • Surveys and feedback
  • Destinations Data
  • Event and visit feedback
  • Gatsby Benchmark evaluations

We review our programme annually and the next review is due in March 2025